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Category: CX Buzz of the Week

64 blogs
Improving Customer Experience | CX Buzz of the Week (6th July, 2016)

Improving Customer Experience | CX Buzz of the Week (6th July, 2016)

Have you noticed that there is a growing number of articles online about the importance of or how to leverage social media when it comes to customer experience and customer service? So have we. In fact just look at this week’s CX Buzz which features three great pieces on this topic, including how to guide your buyers using social from Lisa Marcyes [Coxblue.com]; How to leverage your Twitter followers for powerful CX feedback from Luke Porter [mws-digidesk.com]; And Why you need to revamo your CX for social consumers from Mike Schneider [Marketingprofs.com].
Improving Customer Experience | CX Buzz of the Week (10th June, 2016)

Improving Customer Experience | CX Buzz of the Week (10th June, 2016)

Want to know what people in the industry are saying about Customer Experience? Look no further than our bi-weekly #CX Buzz blog. This week featuring; Brandembassy.com on what Starbucks can teach us about CX; Erica Strother Marois [ICMI.com] on the top 20 ways you are annoying your customers, now you have no excuse not to stop! Our tweet of the week, with very wise words, from @JayBaer, and more... Enjoy!

Improving Customer Experience | CX Buzz of the Week (21st April, 2016)

Our #CX Buzz roundup just gets better and better each week, made possible by the extraordinarily good content our featured authors keep putting out. Don’t miss Kim Niemi on creating memorable CX in CMSwire.com; Chris Ward [@mycustomer.com] with a review of Forrester’s ‘State of Loyalty’ report; Jeanne Bliss on how to say sorry; Technologyreview.com